
Russian law requires companies which meet certain criteria to conduct mandatory audits of their financial statements. The following companies, among others, must audit their financial statements

  • Joint stock companies regardless of whether this is a public or non-public company;
  • Companies whose balance sheet assets exceeded RUB 60 million and/or sales revenue exceeded RUB 400 million in the calendar year preceding the reporting year (For example, if the company’s assets or sales revenue exceeded the abovementioned thresholds in 2015, the company’s financial statements for 2016 will be subject to mandatory audit);
  • Companies whose securities are traded on exchange;
  • Companies with consolidated financial statements;
  • Companies subject to mandatory audit because they engage in a particular activity.

This is the case, for example, for developers, microfinance companies, non-profit organizations set up as funds or other organizations as prescribed by law. Such companies and organizations must conduct mandatory audits because of their activities.

Depending on our clients’ objectives and requirements, we also in addition to auditing offer various services to meet our clients’ needs.

Tax Audit

In addition to mandatory and voluntary audits of financial statements, companies are increasingly requesting tax audits. Tax audits are an invaluable tool for companies as they allow identifying and assessing tax risks, as well as devising solutions to minimize and/or eliminate those risks.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is a comprehensive analysis of a company’s activities which is conducted so that investors get the most objective information about the company
Audit of internal control procedures

Audit of HR-processes and HR documentation

Audit of reporting prepared in accordance with special rules

Audit of management report made for company owners

Financial analysis of the company

Other accounting, tax and financial services as requested by clients

Our auditors are highly skilled and experienced professionals who have been working with clients from various business areas over many years. During that time, we have developed a particular style and approach to work which both allow us not only to fully comply with the law, but also be valuable partners to our clients. Each member of our close-knit team understands that for a client the value of an auditor does not lie in formal audits, but in the close cooperation with the client and development of solutions to improve the quality of financial information, reduce risks and prevent adverse consequences.